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Institute of Public Finance

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Local Self-Government in Central and Eastern Europe: a Strong and Independent Local-Level Management Tool or Just a Paper Tiger?

Vjekoslav Bratić, Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb, Croatia

The onset of the independence process in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries during the 1990s was marked by tremendous optimism and a declared wish for stronger fiscal decentralisation and the transfer of powers, responsibilities and resources to the units of local and regional self-government that were supposed to be closest to citizens in resolving their daily problems. However, this has not happened in these countries, at least not according to the basic financial decentralisation indicators, and this is the main thesis of this work. Despite numerous adjustments made in the local self-government organisation in the observed countries, an optimum level of local and regional self-government organisation has still not been achieved. The units of local and regional self-government are still heavily dependent on, or rather restricted by, the strong central governments, which reduces their autonomy and their influence on the local social and economic development.

Keywords:  local self-government, fiscal decentralisation, Central and Eastern Europe

Year:  2008   |   Volume:  32   |   Issue:  2   |   Pages:  139 - 157

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 March, 2008
II / 2008
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757
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