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Institute of Public Finance

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Basic Principles of Financial Planning in Ex-ante Deposit Insurance Schemes

Đurđica Ognjenović, Arhivanalitika d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia

The paper explores main principles of financial planning in ex-ante deposit insurance schemes from a theoretical perspective and in terms of the EU Directive on deposit-guarantee schemes. Further on, the paper assesses how these principles and standards are used in financial planning in deposit insurance schemes around the world for annual budgeting, strategic planning and optimalization of available financial resources. After reviewing available references and different practices, the conclusion is that there are no clear internationally accepted principles for deposit insurers' financial planning, except some broad and general guidelines. Practices in the industry differ significantly. Given the fact that deposit insurance is in fact a monopolistic business, lack of clear principles and lack of proper financial planning may lead to inadequacy of ex-ante funds and negligence on the side of the management of deposit insurance schemes.

Keywords:  deposit insurance, financial planning, ex-ante deposit insurance scheme

Year:  2006   |   Volume:  30   |   Issue:  4   |   Pages:  369 - 380

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 December, 2006
IV / 2006
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757
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